...du ‘problème des quartiers sensibles,’” online at http://www.lmsi.org. of the riots died. In discussions with my students, they said they were frustrated by the so-called “sociological” explanations they heard in...
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The Riots in France: An Economist’s View
by Bernard Salanié...time when the unemployment rate of the young had already reached 20%. A spate of empirical studies, including those I have carried out with Guy Laroque26Some of our results are...
Violence in France
by Michel Wieviorka...so tense that the government decided, after ten days, to apply a law which had been enacted in 1955, during the Algerian war, in order to implement a curfew, mainly...
More Than Riots: A Question of Spheres
by Stéphane Dufoix...order, the rioters opposed the law and order of force. The two sides fought for the definition of the space where they actually opposed each other: is it part of...
Ethnicity, Islam, and les banlieues: Confusing the Issues
by Jocelyne Cesari...of immigration, but also in terms of the politics of integration. This constant exclusion results in the fact that the issues of poverty, ethnicity, and Islam tend to be conflated,...
The Nature of the French Riots
by Olivier Roy...of the local social order. Sometimes they make looting forays in off-limits commercial malls or even in the centers of big cities (calls for raiding the Champs-Elysées were often to...
Territories of Identities in France
by Riva Kastoryano...otherness and poverty go together, where unemployment among youth is far above the national average, are presented as conflict zones between civil society and the forces of order (the police),...
An Emperor with No Clothes?
by Alec G. Hargreaves...effective action against ethnic discrimination. If there is still a long way to go in finding effective solutions, after years of denial and scapegoating, at least there appears to be...
Reflections “À Chaud” on the French Suburban Crisis
by Catherine Wihtol de Wenden...want to leave school (has obligatory schooling until age sixteen been abandoned?), and one hundred million euros in order to finance civic associations charged with maintaining social cohesion (associations whose...
France: One and Divisible
by Ezra Suleiman...the outbreaks, or even to react to them more effectively, and certainly to have a better idea of what the aftermath should consist of. France has today a problem on...