...7. https://www.newspapers.com/image/29129967/. Figure 6. Photograph of Saturday shoppers. Source: Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette, December 8, 1918, 8B. https://www.newspapers.com/image/29131124. Later on Saturday evening, however, the Board of Health abruptly reversed its policy,...
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Studying Food Acquisition: Lessons from Santiago de Cuba and South Los Angeles
by Hanna Garth...to obtain culturally appropriate or preferred foods, in both Cuba and LA I find that people go out of their way to shop at specific markets. Their preference to shop...
Counter-terrorism, Armed Force and the Laws of War
by Adam Roberts...legitimacy of their aims and practices’. 14President Reagan’s letter of transmittal of the 1977 Geneva Additional Protocol II to the US Senate. Treaty Doc. No. 2, 100th Congress, 1st Session,...
Improvising Disaster in the City of Jazz: Organizational Response to Hurricane Katrina
by Tricia Wachtendorf and James M. Kendra...Wachtendorf, T. 2004. Improvising 9/11: Organizational Improvisation Following the World Trade Center Disaster, Dissertation #35, Disaster Research Center: Newark, DEhttp://www.udel.edu/DRC/dissertations.html or http://www.riskinstitute.org Pre-arranged structures, planned actions and responsibilities, and acquisition...
Seeking Primus Stoves in North Africa
...cookbooks, magazine ads, and the archives, I’ve turned to junk stalls and antique shops, too. Khan al-Khalili, Cairo. Photo by Anny Gaul. When asked what my primary research sites are,...
Felon Disenfranchisement and Expert Assessments of Electoral Integrity
by Danielle Trujillo...states exceed the US average imprisonment rate (458 per 100,000) and disenfranchised rate (2,470 per 100,000). Around 15.9 percent and 6.3 percent of eligible African American voters in Mississippi and...
Using Organizations: The Case of FEMA
by Charles Perrow...Win Florida Votes.” The Free Press. September 15. http://www.freepress.org/departments/display/20/2005/1459. Lipton, Eric, and Scott Shane. 2005. “Leader of Federal Effort Feels the Heat.” New York Times. September 3.http://www.nytimes.com/2005/09/03/national/nationalspecial/03fema.html. Reynolds, Diana. 1990....
Great Migration Debates: Keywords in Historical Perspective
by Donna Gabaccia and Items Admin...of Immigrants!” (http://www.counterpunch.org/ortiz05312006.html), finds herself oddly in agreement on this one point with strict restrictionist Peter Brimelow (http://www.vdare.com/pb/time_to_rethink.htm). Brimelow repeatedly asserts the legitimacy of the restrictionist tradition in the U.S....
The Myth of Immigrant Criminality
by Rubén G. Rumbaut, Walter A. Ewing and Items Admin...black males in the United States and 1,244 Hispanic males per 100,000, compared to 471 non-Hispanic white males per 100,000.20. Paige M. Harrison and Allen J. Beck, Prisoners in 2005,...
100 Doctoral Degrees Later: Reflections on an Intellectual Community Spanning Six Countries
by Thomas AsherThe SSRC’s Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa (Next Gen) program has now registered 100 fellows who have been awarded doctoral degrees. It is worth pausing to reflect on how...