...that plots each of the magnet counties in a manner designed to illustrate the relationship between the total net in-migration (native and foreign born) and the net increase in the...
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The Privatization of Risk and the Growing Economic Insecurity of Americans
by Jacob Hacker and Items Admin...became more common. The net effect was not only to lower net retirement wealth, but also to make the distribution of retirement wealth, always relatively unequal, even more skewed in...
Immigration Reforms and Border Security Technologies
by Rey Koslowski and Items Admin...a solicitation for the Secure Border Initiative Network (or “SBInet”) contract, estimated at $2.5 billion. Normally, government agencies that outsource information system development will issue a set of requirements for...
“Traditionalist” Islamic Activism: Deoband and Deobandis, Ten Years Later
by Barbara D. Metcalf...good occasion for “madrasa bashing.”7Abdul Rashid Agwan, “Call for Madrasa Reform—A Manifestation of Islamophobia,” TwoCircles.net, August 14, 2011, http://twocircles.net/2011aug14/call_madrasa_reform_%E2%80%93_manifestation_islamophobia.html. If one can get beyond such “bashing,” it is clear that...
Who Counts? The Politics of Census-Taking in Contemporary America
by Items Editors...both coverage errors—that is, under- and over-enumeration—and content error—that is, incorrect information on the characteristics of the population. The often reported statistic of the net undercount, 1.8% in 1990, represents,...
Looking at Covid-19 through Models of Social Mobility and Social Change
by Xi Song...mobility, which reflects the changing occupational needs of the economy. Net of the structural forces, however, mobility also differs at the individual level due to such factors as effort, qualifications,...
Access to Freedom: Caged LA
by Kelly Lytle Hernandez and Terry Allen...In fact, public safety, namely policing and incarceration, is the single-largest net expense for both the city and county of Los Angeles. Los Angeles County allocates 42 percent of its...
Rewriting the Rules: Families, Money and Risk
by Elizabeth Warren and Items Admin...the primary earner (usually Dad) got laid off or was sick. This phenomenon, known as the added-worker effect, could buttress the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance...
The Census of 2000: Our Source of Information about Who We Are, How We Got Here and Where We Are Going in the Next Century
by Items Editors...there is vibrant controversy about using sampling to complete the count and to adjust for net undercount, there is no controversy about using a sample in the census to obtain...
Audience Evolution and the Resuscitation of “Mass Communication”: Implications for Communications Policy and Policy Research
by Phillip M. Napoli...is met. Network neurality, ownership, and other urgent issues The issue of access to audiences is central to many of today’s most important communications policy debates. The net neutrality issue...