...have seen no faces in South Bend protected by ‘flu’ masks.”12South Bend Tribune, December 6, 1918, 12. https://www.newspapers.com/image/514608380/. A comparison of death rates per 100,000 population in Indiana cities illustrates...

...have seen no faces in South Bend protected by ‘flu’ masks.”12South Bend Tribune, December 6, 1918, 12. https://www.newspapers.com/image/514608380/. A comparison of death rates per 100,000 population in Indiana cities illustrates...
...16. https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2015/11/16/political- scientists-seek-delay-transparency-standards-publications/. Fuji, Lee Ann. 2016. “The Dark Side of DA-RT”. Comparative Politics Newsletter 26 (1): 25–27. Gastinger, Markus. 2015. “The DA-RT initiative — boon or bane?” November 10....
...writings of Karl Marx. This may come as a surprise to those who have followed, since the recent fall of Communist regimes, the extraordinary career of the idea that “civil...
...resulted in either a decline in trust in institutions or the decay of the institutions themselves. The end of the “Golden Age of Capitalism,”5“The Golden Age of Capitalism” refers to...
...(Cape Town: UCT Press, 1993). The statue was commissioned by the then governor general, the Earl of Clarendon, and paid for by the Rhodes National South African Memorial Committee. It...
...War, during which another dichotomy, that of (Western) capitalism and (Eastern) communism, had supported the notion of a “central balance” in world politics. That pressure was accompanied by a note...
...“Storm and Crisis: Early Reaction.” New York Times. September 11, p. 31.http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F30712FF3B550C728DDDA00894DD404482. Holdeman, Eric. 2005. “Disasters Keep Coming but FEMA Phased Out.” New York Times. August 31. Hsu, Spencer S.,...
...comparing rates of disenfranchisement, as of 2015, Mississippi had the second-highest ranking at 9,360 per 100,000 state residents while Louisiana comes in at 11th highest with 3,040 per 100,000. Both...
...news. Rather, the pursuit of truth in media has always been complicated by politics, and objectivity’s enshrinement as a core value of US journalism is socially and historically constructed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=329ZI8IqtkY...