Part of the mission of the SSRC Digital Culture program, and of Parameters as a platform, is to bring together disparate trainings and resources for scholars hoping to increase their digital literacy and familiarity with digital tools and methodologies used in social science. To that end, we compiled a list of current opportunities for scholars at various skill and career levels.

This list will be updated regularly with future opportunities. If you know of a training opportunity that should be added to this list, please email us at

Summer Institute in Computational Social Science

The instructional program will involve lectures, group problem sets, and participant-led research projects. There will also be outside speakers who conduct computational social science research in academia, industry, and government. Topics covered include text as data, website scraping, digital field experiments, non-probability sampling, mass collaboration, and ethics. Sponsored by the Russell Sage Foundation.
Date of Event: June 17-30, 2018
Location: Durham, North Carolina (Duke University)
Application Deadline: February 19, 2018

ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research

Since 1963, the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) has offered the ICPSR Summer Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research as a complement to its data services. The ICPSR Summer Program provides rigorous, hands-on training in statistical techniques, research methodologies, and data analysis.
Date of Event: Summer 2018
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Application Deadline: Registration deadlines vary; see website for more information.

Digital Humanities Research Institute: Expanding Communities of Practice

A ten-day residential workshop to be held from June 11 – 20, 2018 at The Graduate Center, CUNY where participants will develop core computational humanities research skills through hands-on workshops. Topics include Using the Command Line, Git, Python, and Text Analysis. Participants will return to New York in June 2019 to report on their experiences and contribute to a guide to leading DHRIs in a variety of institutional contexts. Sponsored by NEH.
Date of Event: June 11-20, 2018
Location: New York City
Application Deadline: February 26, 2018

(For the full list, including past opportunities, see here.)