Chris Chang, a recipient of both the SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship and International Dissertation Research Fellowship, spoke with SSRC staff about his experience conducting fieldwork in China and the dossiers that…
East Asia
From Our Fellows
Building a Pipeline for Korean Studies: Celebrating 10 Years
The Korean Studies Dissertation Workshop is celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2017. The workshop was designed to help graduate students navigate the uncertain terrain of their various disciplines, and build a scholarly…
September 28, 2017
From Our Fellows
Japan’s Gender-Bending History
by Jennifer RobertsonIn Japanese popular culture, new trends come and go. But the Japanese have toyed with gender norms for generations.
March 12, 2017
From Our Fellows
Abe Fellowship Program 25th Anniversary Video
by Abe Fellowship ProgramIn celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Abe Fellowship Program, partners, fellows, and committee members discuss the history of the program and its importance to the future of scholarship and US-Japan relations.
November 15, 2016
From Our Fellows
IDRF Book Exchange: Van Gogh on Demand
IDRF fellows discuss Winnie Won Yin Wong's book Van Gogh on Demand: China and the Readymade, based on research conducted during her International Dissertation Research Fellowship. Van Gogh on Demand was the…
April 6, 2016