Preliminary thoughts The dictionary definition of “decency” indicates a certain ambiguity in the meaning of the term. It can indicate conformity to minimum social standards, such as meeting “standards of taste, propriety, or quality,” in the sense of decorum or orderliness and being “free from immodesty or obscenity”. But it can also mean “having praiseworthy […]
John Mollenkopf
John Mollenkopf is a Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York.
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The Cities Papers
Comments on the Spatial Dimensions of Urban Inequality
by John MollenkopfA fundamental question is whether the spatial arrangements of the different dimensions of urban inequality merely reflect larger non-spatial causal forces or are in and of themselves a driving force in creating or reinforcing those inequalities. Certainly, the ways in which urban inequalities show up in spatial arrangements do reflect (or are a spatial expression […]
June 24, 2014