
Stephen M. Saideman

Stephen Saideman, 2015 Abe Fellowship recipient, holds the Paterson Chair in International Affairs at Carleton University’s Norman Paterson School of International Affairs. He has written four books: two on the international relations of ethnic conflict and two on the interventions in Afghanistan. He has also written on nationalism, ethnic conflict, civil war, and civil-military relations. Saideman has received fellowships from the Council on Foreign Relations and the Social Sciences Research Council. The former placed him as a Politico-Military Planner on the US Joint Staff for a year, and the latter facilitated research in Japan. He taught previously at the University of Vermont, Texas Tech University, and at McGill University. He writes online at OpenCanada.org, Political Violence at a Glance, Duck of Minerva and his own site saideman.blogspot.com. He also tweets at @smsaideman.

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