The International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) Photo Competition is offered every year to IDRF recipients. Prizes are awarded for the best single photo, the best self-portrait, and best photo essay following a…
Western Europe
From Our Fellows
Weekends in the Clover: Imagining Colonial New South Wales
by Maura CappsMaura Capps is a 2013 International Dissertation Research Fellowship recipient and a graduate student at the University of Chicago. In this Research Snapshot, she examines how Enlightenment-era high husbandry, with its arsenal of sown grasses, traveled throughout Britain’s settler empire. The Research Snapshots series is an initiative aimed at highlighting important and innovative research by SSRC fellows who are currently conducting or who have recently returned from doing international research.
September 22, 2014
From Our Fellows
A Field for the Savage Mind
by Ginger NolanGinger Nolan is a 2011 International Dissertation Research Fellowship recipient and a graduate student at Columbia University. In this Research Snapshot, she examines how twentieth-century architects and systems-designers in Europe and the U.S. attempted to translate theories of the ‘savage mind’ into a modern science of creativity. The Research Snapshots series is an initiative aimed at highlighting important and innovative research by SSRC fellows who are currently conducting or who have recently returned from doing international research.
November 6, 2012
From Our Fellows
A Contested Past and Present: Australian Trees in South Africa
by Brett BennettBrett Bennett was a 2010 International Dissertation Research Fellowship recipient. In this Research Snapshot, he explores how state scientific programs in Australia and South Africa encouraged the introduction of exotic species of trees into each region. The Research Snapshots series is an initiative aimed at highlighting important and innovative research by SSRC fellows who are currently conducting or who have recently returned from doing international research.
May 1, 2011