The International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) Photo Competition is offered every year to IDRF recipients. Prizes are awarded for the best single photo, the best self-portrait, and best photo essay following a…
From Our Fellows
Behind the Lens: A Look Inside the Winning Entries to the 2018 Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology
The winners of the Rachel Tanur Memorial Prize for Visual Sociology explain the meanings and inspiration behind their submission and the connection to Rachel Tanur's legacy.
May 17, 2018

From Our Fellows
Border Matters: Gender, Precarity, and the Body on Mexico’s “Forgotten Frontier”
by Heather WurtzA 2016 International Dissertation Research Fellowship recipient, Heather Wurtz is a doctoral candidate at Columbia University. Her dissertation research assumes an ethnographic approach along the Mexico-Guatemala border to examine how migrant women navigate their reproductive lives within complex institutional settings. The “Research Snapshots” series is an initiative aimed at highlighting important and innovative research by SSRC fellows who are currently conducting or who have recently returned from doing international research.
May 23, 2017
From Our Fellows
IDRF Photo Competition 2016
The International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) Photo Competition is offered every year to IDRF recipients. Prizes are awarded for the best single photo, the best self-portrait, and best photo essay following a…
June 30, 2016

From Our Fellows
Brothers in the Road: Migration and the Globalization of Love
by Noelle BrigdenNoelle Brigden is a 2010 International Dissertation Research Fellowship recipient and a graduate student at Cornell University. In this Research Snapshot, she examines how the informal institutions that sustain undocumented migration adapt to changes in border policing, tracing developments from villages in El Salvador into Guatemala and Mexico and up through the United States. The Research Snapshots series is an initiative aimed at highlighting important and innovative research by SSRC fellows who are currently conducting or who have recently returned from doing international research.
October 1, 2011